Friday, August 23, 2013

╰⊰⊹✿ ✿⊹⊱╮Eternal Summer╰⊰✿ ✿⊹⊱╮

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from Greek ephēmeros lasting only a day from hēmera (day)
  ╰⊰⊹Everything in life is ephemeral…even the things we might take for granted such as the sun and moon. No sunset is ever the same; seasons come and go each year but the people we meet and things we do change. Through photographs, we are able to suspend time and revisit and live in that ‘world’ we otherwise would never have back again. Summer…when the air becomes sticky like our fingers with the sweet syrup of melted popsicles under the sunshine, a time where we forget about that very notion, ‘time’, where we enter a utopic state of bliss and retreat to nature to soothe us until Autumn takes Summer by the hand and leads her away…and leaves us with just a fond memory of something that once was. This series of photographs with Rachel is my token of appreciation, or even an ‘ode’ to even the littlest things about summer.  Details we might often overlook, whether it is the sun’s warm embrace, flowers in bloom, or the vibrations of light in the pool, all of these share a touch of nostalgia of a period of time that I hold very dear to my heart…eternally⊹⊱╮ 
xx Sabrina

all images are scanned 35mm fujifilm that are edited digitally

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